Housing A Player


As the Badlands Sabres get set to begin their inaugural season, recruiting is underway for talented junior hockey players who will make their way to the Black Hills this fall where they’ll be in need of a “home away from home”. With this comes great opportunities for those living in our community, these new hockey players will be in need of families willing to share their homes for the 2021-2022 hockey season. The importance of these families to the Sabres organization will be immeasurable. Frequently, very strong bonds are made between the player and the billet family as well as with the player’s immediate family. These relationships will often carry on for many years after the player has left the team. Often billet families can be seen following the player during their college career. Sabres players will be expected to be great role models for younger children in the billet family, as they demonstrate hard work and determination to achieve their goals. The players’ ages range from 16 to 21, and typically will be engaged with classes in local high schools, colleges, or hold part-time jobs while pursuing their hockey endeavors.

What is expected of the host family?

The Sabre player(s) need a room of their own or can share with a teammate. They will need a bed, desk, and closet space. The players are expected to provide their own bed and bath linens, personal care items, cell phones, media equipment, and transportation needs (most have their own vehicle). The family is not required to cook for the players each day but would be asked to welcome the players to meals being cooked by the family when available. Players will be required to eat on their own when meals are not available. In general, players must be able to be self-sufficient and able to cook and clean up for themselves.

What is expected of the players?

The players must adhere to all team and house rules and show respect and consideration toward all family members. Your generosity will not be taken for granted.

How long is a host family’s commitment?

This varies depending on the player. Some are with the family during the hockey season only, others need to stay longer to complete their school year. Some players go home for the weekend as often as the game schedule permits. All players go home over the holiday break unless they are from a different country and are unable to make it home.

Families receive a monthly billeting payment for each player. Some have found it easier to house two players as they then travel together and are company for each other. Host families have included traditional 2-parent families, single-parent families, and “empty-nesters”. All that’s really needed is a willingness to help a player pursue their dream by providing a “home away from home”.


Your willingness to share your home and family is all it takes and you will truly make a difference in a player’s life. If you are interested in being part of the Sabers family, please contact us at badlandssabres@gmail.com

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